Home of the Fall Foliage Festival
Village of Cohocton
Frequently requested phone numbers:
Village Clerk - 585-384-5252
Village Code Enforcement Officer - 607-329-7842
Water Emergency - 585-448-2073
Town Clerk - 585-534-5100 ext 3
Village & Town Court - 585-534-5100
Assessor’s Office - 585-534-5100
Town Supervisor - 585-534-1000
Dog Warden, Deb Matthews - 585-384-9501
Cohocton Police Department (non emergency #) - 585-534-5100 ext 1
Town Highway - 585-384-5290
Additional Links
Ashley Adams - Village Clerk/Treasurer
Notary Public
Hunting & Fishing License Sales
Email: Villageofcohocton@gmail.com
Phone: 585-384-5252
Fax: 585-384-5454
Village Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Closed Legal Holidays
The Village Clerk has custody of books and records, is responsible for the minutes, maintains a record of all village resolutions and local laws, has the authority to order the treasurer to pay claims, transmits funds, produces books, records and papers for inspection, may administer the oath of office to village officers. The Treasurer maintains custody of all village funds and keeping the accounts of all village receipts and expenditures, deposits all village funds when received, is authorized signatory of village checks, pays out village funds pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5-524 and 5-526, and is responsible for filing an annual financial statement of the village's revenues, expenditures, and outstanding in-debtness at the end of the fiscal year.